Comment by upwardbound

Comment by upwardbound a day ago

1 reply

There's a Google Glass reseller + app maker called Envision, which lets you use Google Glass's camera and speaker to have the computer explain what you're looking at.

    features: Instant Text, Scan Text, Batch Scan, Call an Ally, Call Aira, Describe Scene, Detect Light, Recognise Cash, Detect Colors, Find People, Find Objects, Teach a Face, Ask Envision, Explore and more
upwardbound a day ago

Not sure why this is downvoted. I know your son is just a baby but my whole point in posting this is to illustrate that with today's tech, he won't have to grow up being less independent than other people.

One of my friends even came up with a UX that could, if built into smartglasses, someday allow blind people to drive:

I feel like it's nice to give people hope