Comment by zekica

Comment by zekica a day ago

1 reply

You are not "simply using" an internet browser. You are using an entire (browser) OS in itself on a 4x pixel count display with antialiased text, transparency, blur, scaling, video compositing... The OS itself is using additional compositing for windows using indirect rendering - all the things that add latency. Additionally, you are using a remote application that has it's own latency when talking to the remote server and even locally executing JS is doing everything in a single thread, plus V8 JIT only works for hotspots in the code.

jjk166 a day ago

Do any of those additional things add value to the user in this application?

If your taxi driver takes you for a 2 hour scenic tour of the city when you simply wanted a direct 20 minute trip, you don't cut them slack for all the extra work they did, you complain they provided a terrible service.