Comment by sulandor

Comment by sulandor a day ago

3 replies

probably not, and you know, because aaa-shooters are typically made for push the boundaries.

the point was that most things are playable and the list is only getting longer

rdujdjsjehy a day ago

It seems weird to write off CoD as just another AAA meant to push boundaries. It's a franchise that has been in the top 3 most sold games every year for over a decade. And the counterpoint was never that nothing would run it was that this idea a 200 dollar laptop would be fine for the average gamer seems like a stretch. The average gamer is trying to play the games that are the most popular on average. Sure they could probably run Roblox and Minecraft but that's about it until you hit the old and indie markets unless you start making heavy setting sacrifices.

genewitch a day ago

the ratio of "playable" to "unplayable" vis a vis FPS or any other measure is around 10000000:1, and that grows even if you never upgrade the hardware. Lots of indie games run fine on old hardware - it's just not that demanding.

Sure a plurality of the 10mm will be shovelware or otherwise bad, but do we have to play FFXVII? COD MWII BOIII WW2?

  • rdujdjsjehy a day ago

    You don't but lots of gamers want to and the idea that a $200 machine is somehow going to service them is absurd. Hence my original point that the idea a $200 machine will do everything you "need" seems like a stretch unless your needs are well below what's typical for someone who plays video games.