Comment by dgan

Comment by dgan a day ago

3 replies

I have tried to do the same, but i have opposite experience. I just can't grok the syntax, it always seems like a magician pulling out another "Haha! I bet you haven't seen this one coming !"

Like, i can't even construct the abstract model of how it's supposed to work

brazzledazzle 20 hours ago

Would you be able to provide an example? I'm not doubting your experience, just incredibly curious since I had the opposite experience.

  • dgan 17 hours ago

    Sure thing :

    $env::Path (the semicolon? so Path is not quoted here? But when I assign a value it's quoted?)

    Dir -r | %($_.Name.ToLower) ( what is this? statement dreamed by utterly deranged)

    They took us for absolute fools

plaguuuuuu 20 hours ago

I'm even a windows .NET developer and I also find Powershell extremely weird. I'm not sure what it is.