Comment by prmoustache

Comment by prmoustache a day ago

2 replies

Except sometimes campers.

There are still people doing world trips. We might collectively decide they need to keep using diesel forever or stop doing world trips with vehicles altogether but that is still currently a thing, even though it is very very marginal.

Also, the USA has borders with 2 countries with I imagine people crossing the border daily on both side to simply go to work. It seems weird to me that these 3 countries would not talk to each others about standards.

vel0city 21 hours ago

Are people driving campers from New England to England? Or San Francisco to Tokyo? Semes like a challenging drive to me.

> the USA has borders with 2 countries with I imagine people crossing the border daily on both side to simply go to work

US, Mexico, and Canada all use the same charging standards. I can today drive an EV from Mexico through the US to Canada and use their chargers. They all originally agreed on CCS1. Small adapters from NACS to CCS1 are entirely passive and exist already.

mattmaroon a day ago

They do. It’s literally called the North American Charging Standard. I specifically said “as long as they’re standardized by continent”.

But good take.