Comment by AlfeG

Comment by AlfeG a day ago

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> What a Ukrainian settlement looks like when taken by Russia is predominantly on the scale of heavily damaged to totally leveled. Whereas Ukraine has taken localities without huge artillery and bombing preparation and have supplied locals hiding in the largely intact settlements with food and water, about whom Russia had forgotten - furthermore they shell and bomb towns with both Ukrainian soldiers and Russian civilians in them.

There is a lot of cities captured by Russia that have near zero damage, because UAF not used them as fortresses. There is even a mem inside UA about cities-fortresses.

> Ukraine targets exclusively war-fueling infrastructure including refineries, ammo/petroleum depots, military airfields and yes, key logistics routes like said bridge that was built by an invading country spanning over to occupied territory.

Belgorod has near zero military infrastructure. Yet missiles shell residential areas on regular basis. Death toll of civilians in this area is quite high already.