Comment by jll29

Comment by jll29 a day ago

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Another PG classic masterpiece - thanks for re-posting, I agree with all eight points, and this should be mandatory reading for people that manage developers particularly if the new manager does not herself/himself have a development background.

Just to elaborate on "start with a simpler subcase": you can even start with a single example and do what your code will be supposed to be doing automatically by hand. After your draft architecture stands, you can even hardwire what each component does for that one example to see if things fit together before implementing the general method for each component, which provides an opportunity for early integration testing that is priceless.

The current essay recommends building bottom-up primitives that serve as primitives or languages (DSLs) for the next levels. This is true, but you can do this upside down. For example, you can write code that looks like pseudo-code because implementations of functions you call do not (or not yet) exist. The code directly reflects how you think, and you worry about the implementation later. A special instance of that is API design, where you design interfaces without implementing them yet; you can then write client code and judge if the hypothetical API would be flexible enough, be easy enough to use, and be feature complete and orthogonal. When designing an architecture in a team with multiple people, you can use paper cards with an example piece of data that you pass from person to person, with each person "performing" a component. They can then check that they have what they need to carry our their task (otherwise there may be bad surprises when integrating components later).

I found that some people are more leaning "top down" and others more "bottom up"; I like to mix both styles, with system architectures designed top down and the core algortihms inside their components often being designed bottom-up, sometimes also top-down.

Ironically, looking only at the headline, one could say that abstraction enables one to solve problems without getting the whole problem in one's head, or problems bigger than what anyone can hold in their head, at least not at the same time, which kind of is the whole point made by SICP.