Comment by yieldcrv

Comment by yieldcrv a day ago

1 reply

I have a Mustang mache specifically because of the Tesla supercharger authorization and compatibility

It’s still bleak-ish, but is right on the cusp of getting better

Tesla’s schizophrenic behavior makes the promised adapter to have an unknown delivery date

The bootleg adapter works decently, tricky at first though

I had to learn there are multiple versions of tesla superchargers, and even of the V3 ones they are not all the latest version that I’m supposed to use. This is undocumented.

Then, of ALL of them, the charging cable is too short and in the wrong place for my vehicle. I have to take up two spots unless I’m next to another vehicle with my ‘affliction’, rare

I dont want a Tesla I want the supercharging network

Now, knowing all these things and altering my life just a little bit around the local ones, things are great

CSS charging stations are pathetic and often have long lines, while the Tesla stations are massive, don't have a line, all while an additional doubling is occurring in a roped off section

Fortunately, you don't have to supercharge and its ill advised to do it often.