Comment by jll29

Comment by jll29 a day ago

6 replies

The UNIX way would be to break things down into actual programs, where each one would be doing one thing well - and in such a way that they'd be useful as building blocks for solving other problems also.

Too 10 hours ago

This must not be done prematurely. Replacing function calls with processes quickly break “go to definition” and all the other conveniences or guardrails provided by your compiler toolchain.

Unfortunately been dropped into that situation. The system was constantly broken due to missing of malformated arguments. Nobody dared to change anything.

Same applies to prematurely microservicing a monolith. At least there folks seem to be sensible enough to use protobufs or json, instead of loosely typed strings.

minkles 18 hours ago

The unix way is re-parsing text 5000 times in separate programmes with no consistency or contract between them really.

That's not great.