Comment by exe34

Comment by exe34 a day ago

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you know what? this is brilliant.

the news that I can find reasonable sources for is that the terrorists stopped using phones because Israel could track them and send spicy suppositories, so they switched to pagers - and the pagers immediately blew off things they were fond of. At this point, they panicked and went to their 2way radios to ask for instructions from their terrorist leadership..... and their f*cking radios blew up.

I love that now there's completely random stories of things blowing up (which aren't actually happening, otherwise there would be more serious reports and evidence).

So it sounds like they already have ptsd from evil western infidel technology - it's pretty much biblical in its magnitude - can you really trust that electric toothbrush? what about those hair clippers? those Nike shoes? shoelaces next?

it sounds like Israel achieved their objective, these people are now reduced to trusting only stone age technology. their attacks on Israel will now be much less organised and easier to defend against.

it's sad that Israel had to burn this phenomenal trump card, it sounds like they were saving it for a ground invasion?