Comment by jes5199

Comment by jes5199 a day ago

2 replies

thank you. I was able to follow these instructions. One must wonder how they managed to sell out of these adapters while making it so difficult to place an order.

It asked me if I wanted to fill out a customer satisfaction survey, but the form to enter my phone number was broken so I was not able to.

jes5199 a day ago

their rewards program login is also broken, and I tried talking to their support chatbot and it told me to try during business hours and disconnected?? none of this inspires confidence

  • evanelias a day ago

    Yeah, pretty much every single interaction I've ever had with GM/Chevy has gone this way :/ Feels like it's either an absolutely staggering level of incompetence, or the world's most effective team of sadists over there.