Comment by mattigames

Comment by mattigames a day ago

5 replies

Have you tried to do those high-bandwith activities under the effects of nootropics or similar substances? E.g. modafinil, adderall, if so do they make things worse? Better? Make no difference?

padolsey a day ago

I haven’t tried, and tbh I’d be very scared of messing with the complete cocktail of meds (~7) I’m on as it is. Risky! I’d rather maintain a knowable stability even if it’s non optimal.

  • Filligree 17 hours ago

    Keep that up. I'm sure you've been told, but balances like that often only occur once; if you ever drop off the cocktail, it might not work again when you try to recover.

krageon 21 hours ago

Amphetamines are not nootropic, but even leaving that aside you shouldn't be suggesting someone with what is clearly a brain injury take fun new drugs.

  • fsckboy 17 hours ago

    GP was asking, not encouraging, and you injected the notion that "drugs are fun"