Comment by mr_toad

Comment by mr_toad a day ago

1 reply

> They owned less than ten percent of Mandatory Palestin that they had purchased from Arabs

If relations between the two sides hadn’t deteriorated to the point of civil war then the split would never have been proposed in their first place. Left alone the Jews living in the mandate probably would have continued living there as a minority like they were in many Arab states.

The Palestinians fear of Zionism has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

aguaviva 8 hours ago

The Palestinians fear of Zionism has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Nothing mystic or prophetic at all about it.

Palestine is in the situation it is in due to the calculated policies of the various colonial powers and their "post-colonial" successors -- perhaps better described as "modern great power chauvinist states".

And due to its own mistakes of course (as with any society, especial). But these are generally overshadowed by interventions (far) beyond its control, emanating from these aforementioned interventionist powers. One can dissect the various aspects and subaspects of this dynamic, but that's the long and short of the situation.

In any case, "prophecy" as such has nothing to do with the current status quo.