Comment by android521

Comment by android521 a day ago

1 reply

i had no idea what it does and just have this vague idea that they make it easy for you to deploy, host and use models. I looked the tutorials and was amazed by what can be done and decided to try it. My suggestion is to have more tutorials and perhaps one-click deployment for some really cool models. Another thing is support typescript and you will capture a big section of the developer market that does not come from ML background. After i finish an inteview with tutorial demo , it would be great to give an estimate of cost so that i know if i can afford to cost for my software

jono_irwin a day ago

Thanks for the feedback! I like the sound of all of those:

- clearer messaging - more tutorials - one-click deploys - clear & upfront costing

We have plans to add other runtimes (like Typescript) in the future but Python is our focus for now.