Comment by almostgotcaught

Comment by almostgotcaught a day ago

3 replies

> A friend of mine is doing his PHD while being an intern at Meta

I interned thrice as phd student at FB. your friend isn't entirely wrong but also just doesn't have enough experience to judge. all enormous companies are like this. FB is far and away better than almost all such companies (probably only with the exception of Google/Netflix).

jonathanyc a day ago

Agreed. I'm reading some complaints in the thread about being told to "just read the source code" for internal tools at Meta. When I worked at Apple we didn't even get the source code!

crabbone a day ago

I don't see why saying that Facebook's tools are bad should be invalidated by saying that Google's or others' tools are bad too. Google being bad doesn't vindicate or improve Facebook tools. There's no need for perspective: if it doesn't work well for what's it designed to do, then that's all there is to it.

  • almostgotcaught 15 hours ago

    > Google's or others' tools are bad too

    lol bruh read my response again - FB's and Google's and Amazon's tool are lightyears ahead of #ARBITRARY_F100_COMPANY. you haven't a clue what "bad" means if you've never worked in a place that has > 1000 engineers.