DowsingSpoon 2 days ago

This was not a terrorist attack. This was a precisely targeted strike against the personnel of a hostile military.

  • JoeyBananas 2 days ago

    This was a retaliation for an attack on unit 8200 headquarters, which was a retaliation for the assassination of a Hesbollah commander ( which was... you can see where this is going.

    What do know for a fact is that Israel bombs Palestine constantly, targets infrastructure, won't let them build a port, denies access to food and water, targets aid workers, shot children in the legs with live ammunition en mass who did not pose an imminent threat (See: South Africa's ICC case) There is no city in Israel that looks like Gaza. There are no west bank settlements into Israel. The Palestinians do not have checkpoints in Israel, or occupy Israel.

    The widespread starvation in Gaza is well documented, and Israel could prevent it easily if they would just let them get food, but Israel is deliberately not letting food in. Think about that.

    They're using starvation as a weapon, but it's OK because they're starving people in self-defence?

russfink 2 days ago

Maybe not so much lauded as put forth for its audacity.