Comment by ineedasername

Comment by ineedasername 2 days ago

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I honestly don't know one way or another, but I'm guessing many/most people displaced in this way probably resettle somewhere else in the west bank, perhaps from Area C to Area A. I know that's not much better but either way at roughly 1/10th of 1% this isn't slow motion displacement. Growth in each governorate of the west bank, even in Area C, of Palestinians has been about 2% or higher for a while. Without making a massive project out of back-envelop estimates, Israel would have to increase this behavior by a factor of 20x just to keep pace with population growth but make no proportional progress. That amounts to Israel's behavior being crappy by not really one of taking the land. But not (what I believe to be) a reasonable justification for an escalation to lethal military attacks.