Comment by alexthehurst

Comment by alexthehurst 2 days ago

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> are people not taught this in school?

I agree about standardization, but I think this framing comes off as lacking empathy. Plenty of folks either

- Avoided the topic in school or put all their effort into other subjects

- Didn’t learn this in school—there are a wide variety of education systems across all the decades and distances that folks on this site may have grown up in

- Learned this in school, but a lifetime ago, and haven’t had a reason to revisit it. At a certain distance, your life experience and work experience massively overshadow what you learned in school.

Forgive the inference, but based on your recall of specific grading policies I would guess that your time in school is still near to you, or at least very important. It’s not that way for everyone.

(I am of course doggedly accurate with my unit abbreviations.)

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