Comment by tayo42

Comment by tayo42 2 days ago

3 replies

Sre shouldn't be a job. If you look at what an sre aspires to be, it's just good software engineering.

It's glorified sysadmin work, and the role tbh in the industry should have stayed that way.

If your senior swes can't monitor, add metrics, design fault tolerant systems, debug the system and environment their stuff runs on and need to baby sat there's a problem

sgarland 2 days ago

What you’re describing is mostly in the application side of things, though. You still need Ops to run all the infra, which is what most places’ SRE role really is.

Most devs I’ve worked with didn’t have any interest in dealing with infra. I have no problem with that; while I think anyone working with computers should learn at least some basics about them, I completely understand and agree with specialization.

  • tayo42 2 days ago

    I haven't seen an ops team run infra in awhile. They're all software engineers writing abstraction over cloud. Infra is like "platform" now and they are swes running it.

    • stackskipton 2 days ago

      I mean, I'm SRE/Ops but every company I've joined, I've been brought in to manage the infrastructure from ball of wax some dev got operational enough to limp into prod. When I mean limp, they are truly limping and couldn't run to save their life.

      You need someone to be disconnected from getting birthday to display on the settings page and make sure Bingo, Papaya, Raccoon and Omega Star are just up and running. Esp since Omega Star can't get their shit together.