Comment by firen777

Comment by firen777 a day ago

4 replies

> It provides a channel for operatives to exfiltrate data out of non-NATO countries very easily.

I'm not convinced this is the case. For example China's gfw has been very effective at blocking TOR traffic, and any TOR connection in other countries is like announcing to the government that you are suspicious.

snowwrestler a day ago

It’s a little silly to say “for example” and then intentionally pick what is widely known as the most sophisticated and pervasive system for controlling Internet traffic ever created.

The parent said “non-NATO countries”… there are 162 of those that are not China.

(It’s also a little silly to specify “non-NATO” since U.S. intelligence services have to exfiltrate data from NATO countries too…)

To get data out of China, the U.S. undoubtedly has special systems, which are worth the special investment because it’s China.

  • rvba 16 hours ago

    If weight it by population and importance then China is probably in the top though.

    I bet western spies spend more time on China than some micro island in the middle of the ocean. Same for Chinese spies probably focus on USA first.

    Also realistically probably everyone spies everyone and they spy on those micro islands too. But priorities are clear...

literallycancer a day ago

How do they see TOR traffic in a TLS tunnel?

  • GuB-42 a day ago

    If you can find TOR nodes, so can the Chinese government. They can then just block these addresses.

    Furthermore, the great firewall is quite advanced, they use machine learning techniques to detect patterns, so even if it is TLS on port 443, they may be able to detect it after they have gathered enough traffic. There are workarounds of course, but it is not as simple as just using a TLS tunnel.