Comment by bbarnett

Comment by bbarnett 2 days ago

1 reply

Every country on the planet, every single piece of land, has people on it who displaced others. Yes, this includes the Palestinians too, they've displaced others, you just need go far enough back. Historical displacement is irrelevant, and only the oldest among us even remember a time when there was no modern Israel.

Israel belongs there too, Jews have lived in the region forever, and Jewish run states have existed for thousands of years in the region.

It's this simple. Israel exists, and is going nowhere.

People need to deal with it, drop historical hatred, and make peace.

alexisread a day ago

Well you can't compensate a dead person, but you can compensate a living person. There is the cut-off from historical perspective. In this spirit, a single state allowing right of return and equal (voting) rights is a workable solution. Thing is, Israel currently is an apartheid state, so the status quo is not acceptable.

In addition, tens of thousands of civilian casualties within the country, and ignoring ICJ rulings which Israel have signed up to, indicate effectively a rogue government, needing change.

There is a question over what defines Israel as a state, there's no reason why Palestinians and Jews should not be able to live together, with a shared government, but that's not the case here, and that seems to be because Israelis are taking land, making asymmetric laws, allowing anyone with 'Jewish' heritage citizenship regardless of their actual location, and so on. The issue is basically Zionism and the fact that Zionism effectively mandates ethnic cleansing, not Judaism.