Comment by matheusmoreira

Comment by matheusmoreira 2 days ago

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Not nitpicking at all. I just don't like how people see Linux as a "POSIX implementation". It's much more than that.

Practical compatibility is not compliance, the manuals document many subtle differences and incompatibilities. The practicality of it mostly comes from glibc which everyone uses and which does strive to be compliant. Even then it's a hit and miss, the so called "Linuxisms" crop up in the most unexpected of places. The executable path that people write in the shebang lines of their shell scripts, for example. It's gotten to the point some BSDs have started emulating Linux system calls instead of porting software. Even Windows did this once upon a time.

My point is glibc is not even guaranteed to exist on the system. POSIX is not at all mandatory on Linux. The POSIX interfaces are just one of the ways to interface with the kernel. It's also possible to bypass all the POSIX stuff and interface with it directly. Linux is the only operating system to offer this ability via the stable kernel-userspace binary interface. It's even defined at the instruction set level which makes it programming language agnostic. On Linux you actually can trash all that POSIX stuff and reinvent it all in Rust if you want.