Comment by nebula8804

Comment by nebula8804 2 days ago

5 replies

The ideal future would be a US that is checked by other rivals that can equal its might.

This would have multiple repercussions: The idea of an evangelical christian fueled "end times" would be over, the propping up of Israel would be much more painful than it is now which would result in severe scrutinization.

The chances of other economies given a chance to emerge might be higher if the cost of the west meddling in its affairs gets more expensive.

Life would be harder for people like me, but there would be more peace when going to bed at night.

pragmomm 2 days ago

Interesting hypothesis; I would encourage you to test your hypothesis by moving to Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea, and help those countries to grow its might equal to US. And also see how hard your life becomes

  • nebula8804 2 days ago

    Yeah this is the standard response the right wingers and the pro-corporate Dems love to give. Just really low effort as usual.

    Let me propose an alternative and just try to consider it: How about we let those countries develop and if they can have a sustainable system then great, more competition is good for humanity or if it does not shake out then they will collapse or be forced to pivot and then we will know for sure.

    What isn't cool is deliberately trying to cut their legs out because we want to remain unchallenged (Venezuela, Iran, Russia, China) or quietly control their government preventing any chance of democracy (This year Pakistan, a few years back Venezuela etc.)

    • pragmomm 2 days ago

      I'm pretty sure we let Russia develop after their collapse in 1990, right up until they invaded Ukraine again in 2022. And we let China develop after they liberalized in 1979, right up until they turned dictatorship in 2017, snuffed out Hong Kong in 2019, and became close war ally with Russia in 2023. Those are pretty long time I would say.

      • nebula8804 2 days ago

        This history is tarnished by years of propaganda on both sides. We could have a deep discussion on how this is not the case in many aspects as well as how it may be true in some cases. If I haven't made it clear already in my other responses in this thread, in geopolitics nothing is black and white. But since you gave such a typical Republican/Corporate Dem answer before I dont think you are one of those people worth wasting time on so I bid you farewell.

philwelch a day ago

The last time we had a multipolar world with multiple competing rivals, millions of people were slaughtered in a world war. Have fun with that if you want but I prefer the way things have been for the past 79 years.