Comment by MR4D

Comment by MR4D a day ago

4 replies

I’m a tor novice, so please excuse the simplistic question…

Couldn’t a national security organization just modify a node to route traffic to other nodes it controls instead of uncontrolled nodes?

tg180 a day ago


The client controls path selection, and each hop is verified using its encryption keys.

  • bobbylarrybobby a day ago

    You're saying that if you modify the tor software, other clients will be able to tell before connecting to you? And you can't trick them into sending to a bad node?

    • mrln 19 hours ago

      It is not the node that chooses the next one, but the client. A bad node cannot "fake" a good node, because it cannot cryptographically authenticate to be the new node the client selected (the client knows the public key of the newly selected node).

    • kevincox 13 hours ago

      If you run a node that forwards traffic to any node other than the one requested by the client then that node won't be able to decrypt the traffic.

      The client encrypts traffic to each node on its selected path in turn. If the traffic doesn't reach every desired node in order the traffic can't be decrypted.