Comment by runarberg

Comment by runarberg 2 days ago

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My claim was that an act is more likely to be called terrorism if it was done by a Muslim. Your claim was that there might be a causal connection explaining that, implying that Muslims are more likely to commit terrorism.

Nowhere was I talking about extremists nor any ideology for that matter. Either you misunderstood me or you have moved the goalpost.

Your racist propaganda includes this sentence featured prominently on the page:

> TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Note they say “Islam”, not “Islamic fundamentalism” or “extreme ideologies self proclaimed to be based on Islam”.

It is entirely not clear it is talking about a specific ideology or extremism, something one would expect they would make abundantly clear if their purpose was not to spread hate propaganda. In fact it seems like they are actually talking about an entire peoples and judging them based on the actions of the few. In other words, racism.