Comment by candiddevmike

Comment by candiddevmike a day ago

5 replies

This is hypocritical content marketing from a company that doesn't want you to be vendor neutral. As seen by the laughable use of hyperlinks to their products but no links when mentioning Prometheus or elasticsearch.

OTEL is great, I just wish the CNCF had better alternatives to Grafana labs.

najork a day ago

Check out Perses:

Less mature than Grafana but recently accepted by the CNCF as a sandbox project, hopefully a positive leading indicator of success.

  • bripkens 21 hours ago

    Perses is an excellent step towards vendor neutrality. We at Dash0 are basing our dashboarding data model entirely on Perses to allow you to bring/take away as much of your configuration as possible.

    The team around Perses did a solid job coming up with the data model and making it look very Kubernetes manifest-like. This makes for good consistency, especially when configuring via Kubernetes CRs.

  • physicles a day ago

    Didn't know about Perses. Looks promising! I've had one foot out the door with Grafana for a couple years -- always felt heavy and not-quite-there (especially the Loki log explorer), and IMHO they made alerts far less usable with the redesign in version 8.

scubbo a day ago

Well, no, they don't _want_ you to be vendor neutral. But they allow and support you to do so - unlike DataDog.

  • nijave 14 hours ago

    I haven't had too much issues extending Datadog--quite a bit of the client side stuff is open source.

    Main issue is cost management