Comment by brudgers

Comment by brudgers a day ago

1 reply

All previous attempts have failed and to me it looks mostly like challenges with communication, processes, priorities, etc.

Company standards are a people problem and therefore a money problem. Unless senior management is willing to back the costs of a full transition, it is not going to happen. The costs are lost productivity and involuntary turnover in staff.

Unless you are the chairman of the board, you can't make it happen. If the chairman and the C-suite make it a priority, then it has a reasonable chance of happening. If the initiative comes from any other part of the org-chart, people can resist doing what they are told without much consequence. They will just wait until the initiative runs out of steam just like last time. And the time before that. And the time before that.

Be aware that people are assigned to work on internal standards when things are slow. This doesn't happen when it's all hands, assholes and elbows to the pump. So things are slow at your company. The opportunity you have is to go and get to know the 100 other staff and add them to your professional network. This will help when you look for your next job. Good luck.