girvo 2 days ago

TFA means "the featured article", so in this case the "Why wordfreq will not be updated" link we're talking about.

  • adastra22 2 days ago

    To be pedantic, the F in TFA has the same meaning as the F in RTFM.

    It’s the same origin. On Slashdot (the HN of the early 00’s) people would admonish others to RTFA. Then they started using it as a referent: TFA was the thing you were supposed to have read.

    • girvo a day ago

      Oh that I'm aware of, but it's softened over time too haha

      I miss the old Atomic MPC forums in the ~00s.

    • [removed] 2 days ago
  • jnordwick a day ago

    The Fucking Article, from RTFA - Read the Fucking Article - and RTFM - Read the Fucking Manual/Manpage