Comment by verbify

Comment by verbify a day ago

4 replies

> Edit: For all the cynics and doomsayers here, consider this: Tor has been around for a long time, but there has never been an uptick in arrests that could be correlated to cracking the core anonymity service. If you look closely at the actual high profile cases where people got busted despite using tor, these people always made other mistakes that led authorities to them.

During WW2, the British cracked the German codes. They would create pretexts for "discovering" where German ships would be, so that the Germans wouldn't suspect that they cracked their codes.

It's impossible for us to know if the US government have cracked Tor, because the world would look identical to us whether they had or hadn't. If the only evidence they have is via Tor, and the individual is a small fry, they will prefer they get away with it rather than let people know that Tor has been cracked.

I just assume the NSA are spending their budgets on something, although maybe it is stuff like side channel attacks.

avidiax a day ago

These pretexts for "discovering" are a "bedrock principle" in law enforcement called parallel construction.

The NSA sharing data with the DEA becomes a "routine traffic stop" that finds the drugs. The court would not allow the NSA evidence or anything found as a result, but through parallel construction, the officer lies in court that it was a "routine stop", and judicial review never occurs.

chiefalchemist a day ago

> these people always made other mistakes that led authorities to them.

Says who? The intelligent community entity that busted them? If they're using a tool to discover X or Y they're not to let anyone know that.

For example, I live in the NYC area. A couple of times per year there's a drug bust on the New Jersey Turnpike of a car headed to NYC. The story is always a "random" police stop ends up in a drug bust.

Random? My arse. Of the thousands of cars on the NJTP the cops just happened to pick the one loaded with drugs? A couple times a year? I don't buy it. But what are they going to say? They have someone on the inside that tipped them off? That's not going to happen.

The intelligence community doesn't deal in truth and facts. It deals in misinformation and that the ends justify the means. What they're doing and what they say they're doing are unlikely the same.

  • habinero 14 hours ago

    You're ironically vastly overestimating the cops. It's not that they have good intel, it's that it's copaganda.

    They'll just make something up for publicity if they don't get something useful.

    • chiefalchemist 7 hours ago

      Evidently, you don't know what the NJ Turnpike is like in terms of volume of traffic.