Comment by dathinab

Comment by dathinab a day ago

3 replies

parsing json is roughly of the type:

type Json = None | bool | float | str | dict[str, Json] | list[Json]

you might have similar situations for configs e.g. float | str for time in seconds or a human readable time string like "30s" etc.

given how fundamental such things are I'm not sure if there will be any larger projects (especially wrt. web servers and similar) which are compatible with this

also many commonly used features for libraries/classes etc. are not very likely to work (but idk. for sure, they just are very dynamic in nature)

so IMHO this seems to be more like a python-like language you can use for idk. some since computations and similar then a general purpose faster python

bpshaver a day ago

Agreed, I was just joking. I understand heterogenous lists are possible with Python, but with the use of static type checking I feel like its pretty rare for me to have heterogenous lists unless its duck typing.

  • JonChesterfield a day ago

    If your language obstructs heterogeneous lists your programs will tend to lack them. Look for classes containing multiple hashtables from the same strings to different object types as a hint that they're missed.

    Whether that's a feature is hard to say. Your language stopped you thinking in those terms, and stopped your colleagues from doing so. Did it force clarity of thought or awkward contortions in the implementation? Tends to depend on the domain.

    • bobbylarrybobby 12 hours ago

      Heterogeneity is easily achieved in statically typed languages via sum types.