Comment by tivert

Comment by tivert 2 days ago

2 replies

> The ones who are most hurt by tariffs, most affected by higher prices, are the working class.

Perhaps in the short to medium term, the people who had their livelihoods decimated and partially compensated for the decline in their standard of living by buying cheap imported products, will be most affected.

But tariffs should be a component of a longer term plan of tradeoffs to revitalize the protected industries.

> If you are concerned about the people who got hurt by globalization, maybe the government should collect money from people like us and spend it on people like them.

That idea is past its sell-by date. It's the neoliberal Democrat's response to the economic damage done by globalization: put the losers on welfare indefinitely. IMHO, that money should be

Qwertious 2 days ago

>IMHO, that money should be

Should be...?

  • tivert 2 days ago

    >> IMHO, that money should be

    > Should be...?

    Sorry. Should be used to offset any short-term difficulties caused by tariffs, that occur as part of a longer term plan.