Comment by itake

Comment by itake a day ago

4 replies

1/ if a user sends 10,000 requests, you're saying 14 of them might see 3 compromised nodes?

2/ Police can use parallel construction. Although, given enough time (in theory) parallel construction is eventually exposed.

avidiax a day ago

> given enough time (in theory) parallel construction is eventually exposed.

Parallel construction has existed for decades. It's even in "The Wire". It has never been tested in court, probably because it is nearly impossible to discover outside of being the agents that implement it.

  • itake a day ago

    The police used self-powered GPS devices[1] to track criminals. These devices are used in various situations, such as when someone violates parole. The police don’t need to report the violation immediately. Instead, they wait for the person to re-enter their jurisdiction, then catch and arrest them.

    Parallel construction wasn't tested, but the means of them catching criminals this way was tested in court.

    [0] -

    [1] - if the device got power from the vehicle, it would be considered "break and entering" and thus would require a warrant.

yencabulator a day ago

1/ tor-browser by default sticks to the same circuit for one origin for the session, so that'd have to be 10,000 separate sites or 10,000 separate sessions.