Comment by hilux

Comment by hilux a day ago

9 replies

That's literally true, and I don't mean that in a snarky way. Everyone who ever had a history class should know this.

I'm disappointed that this thread has devolved into an angry and pointless political debate, when it could instead have been a cool technical exploration of how Mossad pulled it off. Come on, Hacker News!

GuinansEyebrows a day ago

What is “cool” in a conversation about how people were killed? This isn’t a movie. There is no novelty in death.

  • hilux a day ago

    I'm against war.

    But when there is war - well, I've picked my side.

    You're probably American, as am I, and you're definitely from a country that has attacked and militarily dominated other countries. (Because they almost all have.) Get off your high horse.