Comment by lxgr

Comment by lxgr 2 days ago

12 replies

It really only is for bad practical reasons, that all coincidentally make it harder and harder to self-host stuff locally without paying a few dollars a month or year here and there to various rent seekers.

"Just use Letsencrypt" really is the correct answer for 99% of use cases, but good luck if you find yourself with one from the 1%. You'll get an army of people mindlessly parroting "best practices" and will assume you're incompetent/lazy if you can't find a way to make them work for you.

User11110 2 days ago

Internal CAs and self signed certificates are different. You can still generate a CA, sign your certificates, import your own CA into your phone and have that verify your certificates. You don't need Letsencrypt. But you'll learn in time.

  • lxgr 2 days ago

    Thanks for the condescension, but I know how to do all of this. I've done it before. And because of that, I can first hand attest that it's way too complicated.

    No non-sophisticated user is able to run their own local CA, and that's why their NAS, IoT setup etc. all run over HTTP only, which in turn has implications for available web APIs (thanks to "secure origin only" policies and no exemption for local IPs/zeroconf domains) and many other things.

    It also doesn't work for at least modern Android apps, since Android no longer makes user-provided CA certificates available to (non-browser) apps anymore, I believe, unless they're compiled with a special debugging parameter. On iOS it's still possible, but I'm not sure how long it's going to stay that way.

  • digitalPhonix a day ago

    How? An internal CA is just a self-signed certificate that you’ve told your device to trust; and to trust other certificates signed by it.

    Somewhere you still need to trust a self-signed certificate.

    • cpach a day ago

      You can guard the root certificate better than the leaf certificate. For example, you can keep it offline in an air-gapped environment.