Comment by stephenmac98

Comment by stephenmac98 2 days ago

3 replies

"This is good enough because I don't expect anyone other than me will use it" is lazy

What would happen if you connected to your mail client today and you got prompted "Trust this certificate?" showing a certificate with the same subject as the one you generated? Most people would click trust and get MITM'ed

Allowing self signed certificates significantly lowers the bar when it comes to generating a new certificate which can closely resemble an existing certificate

Beyond that, the management of multiple trusted certificates creates all sorts of room for confusion in an environment. Presumably most services that you run, run over TLS, do you really maintain every certificate both on it's application and on everything which needs to connect to it? That's a huge amount more effort than signing all your PKI with an internal CA, the configuring your connecting applications to trust that CA

akira2501 2 days ago

> Most people would click trust and get MITM'ed

So accept self signed on first connection with a detailed panel showing the certificate fingerprint. Then after that require a more involved process to accept a new certificate.

> do you really maintain every certificate both on it's application and on everything which needs to connect to it?

These are client certificates, and in some cases, they're actually pretty awesome.

> than signing all your PKI with an internal CA

That's a single layer of abstraction away from a self signed certificate, because, your CA _is_ a self signed certificate in this scenario. You've taken any defense in depth and thrown it right out the window.

The purpose of software is to make things possible not enforce random pedantry.

denkmoon 2 days ago

>"This is good enough because I don't expect anyone other than me will use it" is lazy

is both a mischaracterisation of the argument, and wrong. It's not lazy, it's a choice with pros and cons. Just because you don't like it does not mean it is lazy. Again, issuing your own certificates is a choice.

Allowing self signed certificates does not "significant lower the bar". Did you know that all root certificates are self signed?

The management of multiple trusted certificates is basic administration for large private networks. Yes, TLS and certificate management can be complex, but that is not a good argument for disallowing it, and the idea that managing your own certificate trust is against "best practices" is ludicrous.