Comment by UniverseHacker

Comment by UniverseHacker a day ago

2 replies

The skilled labor to set that all up, especially in a way that TOR won't notice and shut you down will be worth much much more than $5k.

People that have such a sophisticated and resourced team actively hunting them down, likely know about it, and are using many additional layers of security on top of TOR. Even just for personal use out of curiosity to "see what the darkweb is," I used 1-2 additional methods on top of TOR.

lcnPylGDnU4H9OF a day ago

> used 1-2 additional methods on top of TOR

Curious: what did you do and what were you hoping to mitigate?

  • UniverseHacker a day ago

    Just playing around, not mitigating anything. I think it would be poor practice to share my ideas/techniques- think of your own! Contrary to popular philosophy- obscurity is a powerful security method. People still rob houses with expensive locks… nobody robs secret underground bunkers.