Comment by Sohcahtoa82

Comment by Sohcahtoa82 2 days ago

4 replies

> Tesla chargers are CCS.

This is misleading and not entirely true.

Older Tesla chargers did not use CCS to communicate. My 2019 Model 3 doesn't support CCS at all. When I plug into a Supercharger, it's not using CCS to communicate with the charger, it's using Tesla's proprietary CAN bus protocol. Teslas made before 2021 need an ECU retrofit to support CCS.

kwhitefoot a day ago

Pretty much all the old Teslas in Norway have been retrofitted to allow them to connect to CCS only chargers as far as I can tell. Had mine (2015 S 70D) done years ago when it became clear that future Tesla chargers would be CCS only.

linotype 2 days ago

Almost no Teslas were manufactured pre-2019 vs post-2019.

  • jsight a day ago

    I think between 15 and 20% were build pre-2019. The number of non-CCS is actually on the higher end of this, as component shortages caused quite a few to be built without CCS support in 2020.

    • Corrado a day ago

      Can confirm. My 2020 MX does not have CCS capabilities.