stoperaticless a day ago

All versions of python are python.

If lang is not compatible with any of python versions, then the lang isn’t python.

False advertising is not nice. (even if the fineprint clarifies)

  • thesz a day ago

    > If lang is not compatible with any of python versions, then the lang isn’t python.

    Python versions are not compatible between themselves, as python does not preserve backward compatibility, ergo python is not python.

    • skeledrew 4 hours ago

      Interestingly I recently had to run a script I wrote for 3.11 on an old system that has 3.6, and the only thing I had to remove were a few type hints (which of course don't affect function). Seems pretty backwards compatible to me.

    • KeplerBoy a day ago

      The words "any" and "all" have a different meaning.