Comment by lukan

Comment by lukan a day ago

4 replies

I would assume very likely yes?

There definitely are legit use cases for it and in an ideal world, I think all traffic should go over onion routing by default to protect them.

But in reality today besides a handful of idealists (like me some years ago), and legitimate users, like protestors under oppressive regimes - I would assume the biggest group with a concrete interest to hide would be indeed pedophiles and other dark net members and therefore use it.

yupyupyups a day ago

I'm pretty sure many people use Tor for other things than journalism and CP.

Tor is a privacy tool. Much of what we do in our lives is on the internet, and privacy is important. Tor helps people enjoy privacy in a medium that they are increasingly dependant on.

  • bmicraft a day ago

    Tor also helps you to increase your average loading time of a webpage to 10x. That's a very good deterrent against using it if you don't need it for some reason

edm0nd a day ago

You would assume wrong then. The majority of Tor traffic is just normal people, not illegal stuffs.

The regular internet aka clearnet has far more malicious activity and traffic.

  • lukan a day ago

    Can you link to some data, that proofs this?

    I have no data, just assumptions.