bmicraft a day ago

Well then ship a version that can't inject js and only block network requests. Could it be that hard?

jancsika a day ago

In that case we're talking at cross-purposes, so I'll reserve judgment.

I'm concerned with what let's call Gorhill's Web-- that is, the experience glued together by gorhill's Ublock Origin that is viewed by the vast majority of HN commenters on a day to day basis.

What you're describing is the Web-based Wasteland that is experienced by the vast majority of non-technical users who view the web without an ad blocker.

Encouraging Wasteland users to use TBB may well be an overall improvement for them. But there are more and more popular parts of the web that are practically unusable without an ad blocker-- e.g., fake download buttons, myriad other ad-based shenanigans, multiple ads squeezed into short pieces youtube content that ruins the music, etc. And there's an older segment of the population who at I cannot in good conscience move away from Gorhill's Web.

If Tor uptake somehow spikes to the point that some services can no longer get away with discriminating against exit nodes, then great! But in the meantime, I and many others have solid reasons for encouraging more and more Ublock Origin use among a wide variety of users.

And as you point out, there are technical reasons why the ad blocker lists are at odds with TBB design goals. Thus, I find the top poster's "cui bono" comment low effort and unhelpful.

Edit: clarification

  • umanwizard 19 hours ago

    I don’t think it’s true that the vast majority of HN users use ad blockers. I don’t, and I don’t find the web “practically unusable”.

    • wood-porch 12 hours ago

      Being the exception to the rule doesn’t disprove the rule

      • umanwizard 12 hours ago

        Indeed, but I doubt I’m so exceptional. I’ve seen a lot of tech savvy people not using ad blockers.