Comment by yen223

Comment by yen223 a day ago

7 replies

I've built Selectable - a freemium Postgres client for Android devices. It's currently available for open testing, links below.

The key feature is the SQL query editor. The query editor was designed to be mobile-friendly. With autocomplete and a touch-friendly way to select parts of a SQL query, writing SQL statements with the query editor can - in some cases - be faster than typing the same query on a desktop.

The app supports the usual SQL client things:

- Browsing schemas, tables, and columns

- Running custom SQL statements

- Viewing results as a list, or as a table.

- Exporting results to CSV

- Saving queries (You can save one query in the free version)

The project is in very early stages, and is still missing a lot of features - notably the ability to insert, update, delete, or perform DDL via the query editor.

The app currently only supports Postgres, and is currently only available on Android.

Please give it a spin, and let me know if you have any feedback or feature requests.


Play store:

dandigangi 10 hours ago

Full honesty - I really have a hard time seeing the need for things like this on mobile.

  • yen223 4 hours ago

    This is a very fair point.

    I'm not trying to replace desktops with mobile here. I think database administration is still going to be easier with a big monitor and a keyboard, and that's not going to change.

    Rather I'm trying to open up database administration to people who don't have desktops, or who are more comfortable working on their phones.

    • nkrisc 4 hours ago

      Or sometimes a phone is what you have and you need access.

      Looks like very nice UI model, it’s not an easy problem to solve. Also one of the few times a portrait YT video is wholly appropriate.

    • MrLeap 4 hours ago

      You might be a little ahead of the times, but I think you're keyed into something with this.

  • danirod 9 hours ago

    I suppose having quick access to a database in case of emergency without having to rush to a computer, similar to how some people treat having SSH clients on their phones.

jayknight 12 hours ago

I'm not sure I'll ever need this, but it looks really neat.