Comment by asdff

Comment by asdff 2 days ago

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The problem is that the users and their capital are not organized enough to suggest or demand for this. On the other side of the table we have the "establishment" which may not be formally organized but has enough shared incentives among itself where the outcomes aren't any different as if it were indeed formally organized and pooling resources.

In this sense we have this intractable push and pull going on with just about any community of sufficient size. We have the users who might want or should want some privacy and respect and other such benefits, and then we have the people who actually invest and build these platforms, who are incentivized to deliver other things than what the users best interest might be. Either you empower users to have more money to be able to roll their own solutions, or you try and set up a world where the incentives of capital perfectly match the needs of the individual or collective of individuals, which is probably impossible to do.