Comment by amatecha

Comment by amatecha 2 days ago

2 replies

I think if the Tor Project wants to boost their network they might try putting anything about how to do so on their website, easily-accessible. I'm trying to figure out how to run a relay and having a pretty challenging time finding anything at all about this. They just really want me to download Tor Browser, it seems.

Edit: I finally found it![0] I had to go to Donate, Donation FAQ, "Can I donate my time?" , "Learn more about joining the Tor community.", and then "Relay Operations" -> "Grow the Tor network" at the bottom right. I would really hope there's a more direct path than this...


system33- 2 days ago

Sorry that it is hard to find. This is the root link to point you towards.

Thanks for considering to run a relay.

  • amatecha 2 days ago

    No prob - and thanks! Looks like I found it right as you were drafting this message. It would be really useful to add some call to action about "Help grow the Tor network!" anywhere on the home page. Partly just to increase the "welcoming-ness" but mostly to reduce friction for ppl who want to contribute, and help make it clear that the network needs support from whoever :)