Comment by xelamonster

Comment by xelamonster 2 days ago

1 reply

Using a different set of commands in the terminal versus scripts and documentation makes no sense to me, why would I want to learn two different ways do the same thing? Python does not expect me to use `open` in the REPL but prefer `get_file_handle` in published scripts, their ethos works because the entire language has an emphasis on relatively concise readability.

Every single command starting with `Get-` or `Set-` adds so much noise and makes things really hard to visually distinguish too. I don't want overly verbose commands in scripts for the same reason I don't want them in the terminal, it's still a pain to write and even if you have some autocomplete it makes editing harder. I don't think `ls` is any less clear or harder to learn than `Get-ChildItem` really, that name doesn't even actually give me any clue what the command does.

7bit a day ago

It's not hard to learn. And if you don't want to, then don't. That's really not something someone cares about, unless you're working in a team.