Comment by mass_and_energy

Comment by mass_and_energy a day ago

4 replies

The implication of the right to privacy being unnecessary because you have nothing to hide is akin to declaring the right to free speech unnecessary because you have nothing to say.

The ability to maintain privacy and anonymity is not for today, it's for tomorrow.

ciiiicii a day ago

I don't think many people seriously think that terrorists planning attacks to maim and kill people, and pedophiles sharing child sexual abuse imagery with each other, have an absolute right to privacy in such communications, nor that doing so is an example of free speech.

Really it's a good thing that the "global adversary" is - almost certainly - keeping tabs on Tor traffic and tracking down who is responsible for the worst abuses within this network.

  • lapphi a day ago

    You sound like a stalin era communist. The secret police are spying on you for your own good!

    • ciiiicii 19 hours ago

      Not sure what you mean. Gathering evidence is a vital part of investigating criminal activity. In the age of the internet, this includes evidence generated on computer networks, such as connection metadata from distributed systems like Tor.

      Why, in your view, is this akin to Stalinism? It's just standard police work adapted for modern technologies, not an indication of totalitarian governance.