Comment by nick_

Comment by nick_ 2 days ago

3 replies

You are implying that the context that matters is equal to the context where Israel hasn't done anything wrong. If you don't know you're doing that, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're used to entertaining a much less observant audience on this topic.

mupuff1234 2 days ago

It's pretty simple - tell me why you think it's justified for Lebanon to attack Israel?

You're dancing around the "context" but not actually saying why that context makes it legitimate for Lebanon to attack based on the pre Oct 7th status quo. Sure Lebanon and Israel have some territorial dispute, but it's like 20 sq km, not something you should start a war for.

Lots of neighboring countries have a bloody history, that doesn't mean starting a new war is legitimate, right? Can Poland start firing rockets at Germany because Germany invaded them in the past?

  • nick_ a day ago

    No thanks. You're obviously brainwashed by particular narratives, and have only absorbed one perspective of the facts that you were already emotionally dependent on. Not at all unusual on this topic.

    • mupuff1234 a day ago

      I'm very open to hear different narratives, but seems like you aren't exactly willing to hear or share, so not even sure why you commented from the get go.

      This is a discussion board, and in more than happy to discuss the topic, there's no need for personal attacks.