Comment by numpad0

Comment by numpad0 2 days ago

1 reply

Tangential but there's my disappointment to AI in there: they haven't found a way to build convincingly human bots, let alone a procedural content creation system.

Both AI believers and doomers insist generative AI could surpass humans by every single metric that matters in social media. All we've got is first Nigerian, then Indian, and now increasingly Pakistani spammers desperately reply bombing trending posts made by 10 years alpha users, as if whoever behind it completely failed to do it and has been wasting gullible human spammer candidates faster than Aperture Science.

rchaud 2 days ago

> they haven't found a way to build convincingly human bots, let alone a procedural content creation system.

The 'they' being the corporations that hired thousands of people from the very countries you're associating with spammers , to review, correct and train AI models?