Comment by technofiend

Comment by technofiend 2 days ago

2 replies

>Right now you can go to eBay and buy a used PC for $200 that will do everything you need to do...

100%! And the average HN poster presumably has the skills to make that work. My suggestion to retire vulnerable devices isn't a US jobs or tech sector program; it was born from a sincere desire to see vulnerable and most likely already compromised devices removed from use.

It seems logical to me if we're going to look for vulnerabilities in order to help harden devices you might want to address ones with known issues. And frankly the reason so many devices still out there are in use because their owners simply don't know any better or see no value in upgrading. Cash for clunkers creates an incentive to fix a situation that I'm guessing many don't even know exists.

phendrenad2 2 days ago

I mean if we're committed to spending a bunch of taxpayer money on this problem, maybe education and investment into Linux is better than spending it to increase the amount of toxic waste in the ground.