Comment by smileson2

Comment by smileson2 a day ago

2 replies

Depends on your risk, if are are trying to avoid censorship and political repression in say Iran or china you are probably fine

If you are an enemy of the United States you probably aren’t but that’s a high bar

Yawrehto a day ago

Maybe. I think the real distinction is reach. Are you consuming content passively, or are you creating content for many people? If you're creating content on torture China's doing, they absolutely will track you down. If you're in North Korea and revealing what life is really like in South Korea, or in Russia exposing the realities of the Ukraine war, Tor is probably unsafe.

But there is also an element of resources. Even if you're sowing distrust in, say, the Comorian government, I don't think they have the resources to go after you unless you are truly destabilizing and not just annoying.