Comment by leettools

Comment by leettools 2 days ago

2 replies

We are actually working on a tool that provides similar functions (although we focus more on the knowledgebase curation part). Here is an article we generated from the prompt "the advantages and disadvantages of rust in the robotics ecosystem" ( the basic flow is to query Google using the prompt, generate the article outline using the search result summaries, and then generate each section separately. Interested to see your opinions on the differences, thanks!

accurrent 2 days ago

I'm impressed, its better than the article I found written by Storm. That being said both tend to rely on whats available on the internet, so lack things that are more subtle. Its impressive that your article picked on Pixi. Of course as a practicing roboticist my arguments would be different, but at this point I'm knitpicking.

  • leettools 2 days ago

    Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, by default this kind of survey articles are generated by publicly available information through search results. So the quality depends a lot of Google's ranking mostly and your search terms. Right now we can add expert-picked documents to the KB and generate the results from the curated KB instead directly from the search. Better prompting (specific to the target field of study) and more iterations (have a quality check and rewrite accordingly) should also be very helpful.